Sino-Ocean Pinghu Constant Temperature Supply Chain North District of the Industrial Park Project


Cold storage size: Total area 10,000   

Fully variable temperature freezer/refrigerator area 8,600   

Shipping area 1,400

Completion time: July 2022

CO2 Dual-temperature Solution

Customer pain points:

Freon system’s high liquid usage

Carbon emission is relatively high

Haier Carrier Solution:

CO2 Cascade Refrigerating System has rapid cooling and stable temperature functions

CO2 Cascade Refrigerating System can greatly reduce the filling amount of freon

CO2 solution is more energy-effective and environment - friendly

Compared with the freon system, carbon emission reduces by 176,000 tons*



Design of temperature adjustable cold storage

Customer pain points:

The previous plan of low temperature or high temperature cold storage cannot meet the actual needs and need to be upgraded.

Haier Carrier Solution:

CO2 Cascade Refrigerating System can flexibly switch between secondary system cooling at medium temperature and cascade refrigerating at low temperature


Customer feedback

The temperature in the cold store stayed stable, which reduced energy consumption and guaranteed quality of goods

Easy switch between medium and low temperature provided various temperature choices, which enhanced the flexibility to the market demands.


Engineering show

Specially designed water shield and water tray which ensure reliable defrosting

Air coolers evenly arranged to keep stable temperature

Air coolers arranged along the aisle for convenient goods operation

Neat layout in machine room

Clear markings on equipment

Standard and good-looking hoisting

Hall air coolers are arranged back-to-back, with pipes integrated for construction convenience

Air coolers are equipped with insulated water tray to keep ground clean and dry

Warehouse pipeline corridor

Pipes layout reasonable arranged

Manual monitor free – Energy - effective management

Automatically detect and alarm - Collaborative linkage

Recuperative gas-liquid separator

Eliminate liquid shock risk

Improve system efficiency


CO2 Overall Portfolio


Industrial applications



Shop expansions

Small cold storages



Cold storages

Distribution centers


Convenience stores





1KW~1.5MW full cooling capacity multiple-industry solutions

20,000+ successful global application cases**

*Simulated values based on design conditions and year-round operational requirements

**Data is based on Carrier statistics as of September 2022

Together for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality cold chain

Contact Person

  • Contact Person:Ms. Yali Gao